Graph Drawing 2007

Graph Drawing Challenge (Area Minimization)

As with last year's contest, we shall hold the Graph Drawing Challenge in a format similar to a typical programming contest. At the start of the challenge, teams of contestants will receive the collection of challenge-graphs. After one hour the teams will submit their final drawings and the team with the highest cumulative score wins.

Teams will be allowed to use any combination of software and human interaction systems to produce the best drawings. To accommodate both teams wishing to prepare for the challenge and teams wishing simply to participate, with no preparation, we will be providing, in advance, a small set of graph visualization tools. These tools are not necessarily meant to solve the problems at hand but are there to help the teams manually draw and manipulate the graphs. To further the development of new tools and to help promote tools already in existence, teams are also welcome and highly encouraged to create and bring their own software packages.

As a continuation of last year, the challenge this year shall focus on area minimization of straight line planar grid drawings. In particular, all drawings must

While such drawings are not necessarily the best, area minimization is an important aesthetic criterion, which is well-known and difficult to compute. Moreover, this particular challenge offers an objective way to qualitatively evaluate a given drawing. Here is an overview of the rules for the challenge:

Remote Participation

For those teams that cannot attend the conference but still wishing to compete, we are allowing remote participation. A few key points:

Graph Format

For the GD2006 contest, we will use a modified ASCII format described below. The contest graphs will be provided in this format and the final submissions should be prepared using the same format.

Sample File

Below is a simple example:

# Lines starting with # are comments and ignored
# First value is NumNodes(N)
# Next N pairs are X,Y (double/integer) coordinate values of each node 0,1, N-1
0 0  # Node 0
0 5  # Node 1
5 5  # Node 2
5 0  # Node 4

# Remaining pairs of INTEGER values are undirected edges Ns, Ne
0 1      # Edge from Node 0 to Node 1
0 2
0 3
1 2
1 3
2 3

# Here we defined a 4-clique (with 1 crossing)

Last Year's Sets

Below are the graphs from last year along with the best submitted solution for each graph (from the contest itself).