Instructions for Authors

The proceedings for Graph Drawing 2003 will be published after the conference by Springer-Verlag, as a part of their well-known and highly-respected series on Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

Please follow the Springer Verlag author instructions exactly when preparing the final version of your paper. Regular papers will be given up to 12 pages in the proceedings, short papers will be given up to 6 pages in the proceedings, and posters will be given up to 2 pages in the proceedings. Additional pages can be purchased for a fee of EURO 200 per page. For details about how to purchase additional pages please send e-mail to Please observe the strict limit on page sizes and adhere to the settings of the standard LNCS style (particularly with respect to page margins and font size). Also, do not use page numbers or running heads as these will be added later by Springer. Do not change any settings of the Springer style file!

The deadline for receipt of the final version of your paper is September 22, 2003, the first day of the conference. This is a firm deadline. Papers arriving too late will not be included in the proceedings. You have until then to submit your Latex and PostScript or PDF files by performing Step 3 of the GD2003 electronic submission, and to bring two hard copies of your paper to the conference. You must also fill in and sign the copyright form and fax it to Giuseppe Liotta (fax: +39 075 585 3654). You must also bring the copyright form to the conference.

So to summarize the author instructions, here is a checklist:

  1. Prepare your paper in LaTeX2e using the LLNCS style available from Springer, and using the standard header from the sample file. Do not use any other styles or macros, and do not modify the Springer style files.
  2. Tar and zip your LaTeX file, all figure files, and the final PostScript or PDF files of the camera ready. This zip archive should contain: 1) a PS or PDF file with the final camera-ready submission. Please ensure that all fonts are embedded and that the file can be printed. 2) Source files. The source file should be a LaTex file as required by LNCS. You should include any necessary additional source files, such as images or figures as separate files. Include figures as PostScript. To save space, we recommend to prepare your figures in black and white and at a resolution of at most 600 DPI.
  3. Prepare also an additional uncompressed PostScript or PDF of the final camera ready.
  4. Upload both the zip archive and the uncompressed PostScript or PDF file by performing Step 3 of the GD2003 electronic submission. To perform Step 3 of the GD2003 electronic submission click here.
  5. Fill in and sign the copyright form. Fax it to Giuseppe Liotta (+39 075 585 3654)
  6. Bring two hard copies of your paper and the signed copyright form to the conference.

Poster Preparation

Authors of papers accepted in the "poster" category are also requested to prepare and bring to the conference a poster of their work. The poster will be displayed on an easel in the area of the conference hall throughout the conference. The size of the poster should be about 420 mm × 594 mm (16.535" × 23,386") that is more or less the size of an A2 sheet. We recommend to adopt the portrait (and not the landscape) orientation.