Call for participation

The 31th Annual Graph Drawing Contest shall be held in conjunction with the 32st International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2024).

The contest has two parts: the Creative Topic and the Live Challenge.

Creative Topic

The creative topic is provided a year in advance and focuses on free-form visualization of a specific graph. Participants are invited to submit a creative drawing of this graph that evokes exploration and understanding the graph. The submissions will be judged by the contest committee. This year’s topic is Olympic Games.

Read the details on the Creative Topic

Live Challenge

The live challenge will be Wednesday September 18, 2024, after the conference program, in a format similar to a typical programming contest, where teams are presented with a collection of challenge graphs and have approximately one hour to submit their highest scoring drawings (either created manually, or automatically). This year the challenge will focus on minimizing crossings, when drawing a graph by assigning its vertices to a given set of locations. Remote participation is possible.

Read the details on the Live Challenge


Awards will be given to the top submissions in each of the contests — the award constitutes a small sum of money. We thank Neo4j for sponsoring this year’s awards.

Neo4j logo

Contest Committee

Sara Di Bartolomeo
(University of Konstanz, since 2023)

Philipp Kindermann
(Universität Trier, 2015-2023)

Fabian Klute
(Polytechnic University of Catalonia, since 2022)

Tamara Mchedlidze
(Utrecht University, 2019-2023)

Wouter Meulemans
(chair, TU Eindhoven, since 2020)

Debajyoti Mondal
(University of Saskatchewan, since 2023)

Jules Wulms
(Technical University of Eindhoven, since 2023)
