Topic 2: Composers Graph

The composers graph is a large directed graph, where the nodes represent Wikipedia articles about composers, and the edges represent links between these articles. The graph has too many nodes and edges to be effectively presented in a straightforward way. The task is to combine graph drawing algorithms with appropriate techniques for complexity reduction (such as filtering and varying the graphical attributes) to create an illuminating visualization (one or more images, possibly with commentaries, or a movie). It is by no means a requirement to present the entire data set.

File format

The graph is given as an XML file structured as shown below.

  • The nodes are defined by <node> tags and the edges by <edge> tags.
  • Each node has attributes for its ID and the name of the composer whose Wikipedia article is represented by this node.
  • Each edge has attributes for its source and target nodes (identified by their IDs), which means that the Wikipedia article about the composer represented by the source node contains a link to the article about the composer represented by the target node.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <node id="4" name="Raymond Deane"/>
        <node id="3408" name="Erland von Koch"/>
        <edge source="2139" target="3201"/>
        <edge source="1858" target="3201"/>

This graph has kindly been provided by Tom Sawyer Software

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Graph Drawing 2011