TaxNet/TefNet: Visual Analytics Systems to Support Tax Evasion Discovery
TaxNet and TefNet are decision support systems for tax evasion discovery, based on a powerful visual language and on advanced network visualization techniques. They have been developed in cooperation with the Italian Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate). These systems allow users to visually define classes of suspicious patterns, exploit effective graph pattern matching technologies to rapidly extract subgraphs that correspond to one or more patterns, provide facilities to conveniently merge the results, and implement new ad-hoc centrality indexes to rank taxpayers based on their fiscal risk. Moreover, they offers a visual interface to analyze and interact with those networks that match a desired pattern. TefNet is specifically designed to deal with temporal data.
- Walter Didimo, Luca Giamminonni, Giuseppe Liotta, Fabrizio Montecchiani, Daniele Pagliuca: A visual analytics system to support tax evasion discovery. Decision Support Systems 110: 71-83 (2018)
- Walter Didimo, Luca Grilli, Giuseppe Liotta, Fabrizio Montecchiani, Daniele Pagliuca: Visual querying and analysis of temporal fiscal networks. Information Sciences 505: 406-421 (2019)