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Emilio Di Giacomo
Associate Professor
Department of Engineering
University of Perugia
Via G. Duranti 93, 06125 Perugia, ITALY
Email: emilio.digiacomo@unipg.it - Tel: +39.075.5853681 - Fax: +39.075.5853654
I received the Laurea degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Rome "La Sapienza" in 2000 and the PhD degree in Information Engineering from the University of Perugia in 2003. I am currently an assistant professor of computer science at the University of Perugia. My research interests include Graph Drawing, Computational Geometry, Information Visualization, and Algorithm Engineering. I collected more than 80 international publications in the above areas. I served in the scientific and organizing commitees of several international conferences including the International Symposium on Graph Drawing, the IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium, and the ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry. I have been also involved in several national and international research projects, including projects supported by the Italian Ministry of Education and by the European Community.
- 2000: Laurea Degree in Electronic Engineering (University of Rome "La Sapienza")
- 2003: PhD in Information Engineering (University of Perugia)
- 2003-2004: Post-doc (University of Perugia)
- 2005-2015: Assistant Professor (University of Perugia)
- 2015: Associate Professor (University of Perugia).
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Word cloud of my papers'titles (click to enlarge) | |
Realized with Wordle |
- My curriculum vitae [ITA] [ENG]
- My profile on Google Scholar
- My page on DBLP
- Full list of my publications (PDF)
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From 2005 to 2023 I was the publication editor of the Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications (JGAA). | Since 2023 I am the co-Editor in Chief of the Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications (JGAA). |
Steering Committees
- GD: International Symposium on Graph Drawing - Member (2014-2016) (2021-2024)
Program Committees
- PacificVis 2025: 18th IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium - PC member
- PacificVis 2024: 17th IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium - PC member
- GD 2023: 31st International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization - PC member
- EuroCG 2022: 38th European Workshop on Computational Geometry - PC co-chair
- EuroCG 2020: 36th European Workshop on Computational Geometry - PC member
- GD 2019: 27th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization - PC member
- GD 2015: 23rd International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization - PC co-chair
- GD 2013: 21st International Symposium on Graph Drawing - PC member
- PacificVis 2012: 5th IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium - PC member
- CIA 2012: 2012 International Workshop on computer Image and its Applications - PC member
- CIA 2011: 2011 International Workshop on computer Image and its Applications - PC member
- GD 2010: 18th International Symposium on Graph Drawing - PC member
Organizing Committees
- GD 2023: 31st International Symposium on Graph Drawing - OC co-chair
- EuroCG 2022: 38th European Workshop on Computational Geometry - OC co-chair
- GD 2012: 20th International Symposium on Graph Drawing - Publicity chair
- EuroCG 2012: 28th European Workshop on Computational Geometry - OC member
- TAPAS 2011: 1st International ICST Conference on Practice and Theory of Algorithms in (Computer) Systems - Publicity chair
- GD 2008: 16th International Symposium on Graph Drawing - Publicity chair
- SoCG 2005: 21st ACM Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry - OC member
- GD 2003: 11th International Symposium on Graph Drawing - OC member
- "Progettazione e Realizzazione Applicativo MDD per Sottosistema di Diagnostica ACC" contract between CINI and RFI(Rete Ferroviaria Italiana) Principal Investigator
- "Progettazione e Realizzazione HMI per Sottosistema di Diagnostica ACC" contract between CINI and RFI(Rete Ferroviaria Italiana) Principal Investigator
- Erasmus+ Ka220-HED "STEAMigPOWER: STEAM approaches at higher education for mIGrants, refugees and asylum seekers' emPOWERment" Participant
- PON Governance e Capacitá Istituzionale 2014-2020 "Per una giustizia giusta: Innovazione ed efficienza negli uffici giudiziari/Giustizia AGILE" Participant
- PON 2015-2020 "RASTA: - Realtá Aumentata e Story-Telling Automatizzato per la valorizzazione di Beni Culturali ed Itinerari"Participant
- MIUR, PRIN 17, "AHEAD: efficient Algorithms for HArnessing networked Data" - Participant
- MIUR, Smart Cities and Communities, "SMARTOUR: Intelligent Platform for Tourism" - Participant
- POR FESR 2014-2020, "CARE Un sistema informativo regionale per lo scompenso cardiaco e le patologie vascolari" Participant
- "ColleGALi" - contract between the Department of Engineering of the University of Perugia and the Perugia Municipality, within the regional call PSR UMBRIA 2014/2020 - Principal Investigator
- "Kinetic - sistema integrato hardware e software per la misurazione di gesti atletici tramite l'acquisizione e l'elaborazione di dati provenienti da sensori inerziali indossati da atleti", contract between the Department of Engineering of the University of Perugia and the company Laytech srl, within the regional call POR FESR 2014-2020 - Principal Investigator
- MIUR, PRIN 12, "AMANDA: Algorithmics for MAssive and Networked DAta" - Participant
- "INFINITY - Models and algorithms for the visual representation of information on the driving styles of a big dataset of drivers.", contract between the Department of Engineering of the University of Perugia and the company Sistematica SpA, within the regional call, Innovative Actions, FESR 2007-2013 - Participant
- MIUR, PRIN 08, "AlgoDEEP: Algorithmic Challenges for Data-intensive Processing on Emerging Computing Platforms" - Participant
- CRIDEA Umbria Regional Project, "AREA: Information System for Experiences of Environmental Education and Sustainable Development" - Participant
- European Project, @LIS Program, "Health for All in LA: Improving health care access and management through eLearning for continuous professional development of family doctors in Latin America" - Participant
- Design and implementation of software prototypes within the program "Robotic systems for preserving DNA, blood and biological materials at low temperature, Prog. MIUR S606/P" - Participant
- MIUR, PRIN 06, "MAINSTREAM: Algorithms for Massive Information Structures and Data Streams" - Participant
- MIUR, PRIN 04, "ALGO-NEXT: Algorithms for the Next Generation Internet and Web: Methodologies, Design and Applications" - Participant
- MIUR, PRIN 02, "ALINWEB: Algorithms for Internet and the Web" - Participant
I currently teach:
- Fondamenti di Informatica, Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria Informatica ed Elettronica, 9CFU (Fundamentals of computer science, Undergraduate Course in Information and Electronic Engineering)
- Algoritmi e Strutture Dati, Corso di Laurea in Ingegneria Informatica ed Elettronica (Algorithms and Data Structures, Undergraduate Course in Information and Electronic Engineering)
I have written the following textbook:
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I am co-founder of the Vis4 Srl company, started as a spin-off of the University of Perugia, and working in the Information Visualization and Visual Analytics fields. The spin-off, founded in 2009, established relevant contracts and collaborations with national and international companies and institutions, like the Financial Intelligence Agency (AIF) of the San Marino Republic and Fabrica, the advertisement company of the Benetton group. Vis4 is also one of the founding member companies of the GGB Consortium (Genomics, Genetics, and Biology), founded in the 2010 with the financial support of the Umbria Region. In November 2014, all the academic members of Vis4 have sold their shares to private entrepreneurs, and the company has changed is name. |