Hotel Information

Dromroe Student Village

We have arranged conference accommodation in the Dromroe Student Village situated in the UL campus next to the conference venue in the CSIS Building. The Dromroe Student Village is building 15 in the UL campus map, and the CSIS building is building 16.

Each bedroom in the Dromroe Student Village has to be paid for when you register for GD 2005. In the registration form you need to provide the number of bedrooms you require. Each apartment in the village has six bedrooms and a common kitchen/dining room, and each bedroom has its own bathroom. If you come with accompanying persons then you will need to pay for a separate bedroom for each of them.  The GD price for a bedroom is 48 per night. Further information about the village is available here. If you arrive earlier than the 10th of September please register for GD 2005 and pay your accommodation at least two weeks in advance.

You can check-in at the village reception from 08:00 - 20:00 each day. If you arrive outside these times you must notify the village reception on +353 61 202977.

Alternative Accommodation

Alternatively, you can book your accommodation on your own.

We would advise you to book your accommodation as soon as possible as September is popular with tourists. When booking a room in a hotel you may mention that you are visiting UL. Some hotels may have special rates for visitors of UL.