Topic 1: Metro Map
For this topic, the task is to visualize the bus and tram network of Würzburg in a metro map style layout.
The data for the network include information about the stops like the name of the stop and its geographic location, as well as the bus/tram lines with their stops and the distances between stops. Your visualization should show the whole network, presenting the connections in a clear way for a possible user of public transport in Würzburg.
Data set
The data set consists of two Excel tables:
The tables contain the following columns / information:
- Kurzbezeichnung: abbreviation for a stop
- Steig: platform number
- RBL Nr.: unique number for a stop
- Name Haltestelle: name of a stop
- x: longitude of geographic location (degrees minutes seconds)
- y: latitude of geographic location (degrees minutes seconds)
- Linie: bus/tram line
- Bereich: area (not important)
- Distanz (m): distance in metres
The abbreviation of the bus/tram stop (Kurzbezeichnung) plus the platform number (Steig) identifies a stop across the two files.
All data have been kindly provided by the WVV.