Paper and poster submissions are handled via the GD 2014 submission page at EasyChair. Accepted papers and abstracts of accepted posters will appear in the conference proceedings, published by Springer in the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Selected papers will be invited for submission to a special issue of the Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications.
Papers. Submitted papers must describe original research of theoretical or practical significance to graph drawing and network visualization. Each paper must be submitted explicitly to one of two distinct tracks. Papers submitted to one track will not compete with papers submitted to the other track.
Track 1: Combinatorial and algorithmic aspects
This track is mainly devoted to fundamental graph drawing advances, such as combinatorial aspects and algorithm design. The range of topics for this track includes (but is not limited to) the following:
- Design and experimentation of graph drawing algorithms
- Theory of geometric graphs
- Geometric computing
- Geometric and topological graph theory
- Optimization on graphs
Track 2: Experimental, applied, and network visualization aspects
This track is mainly devoted to the practical aspects of graph drawing, such as the development of network visualization systems and interfaces in different application areas. The range of topics for this track includes (but is not limited to) the following:
- Visualization of graphs and networks in application areas (e.g., social sciences, biology, cartography, software
- engineering, circuit design, business intelligence)
- Software systems for graph visualization
- The engineering of visualization systems and algorithms
- Experimental results in graph theory and graph algorithms
- Benchmarks and experimental analysis for graph visualization systems and user interfaces
- Cognitive studies on graph drawing readability and user interaction
- Interfaces for interacting with graphs
All submissions must be formatted using the LATEX style file for the conference series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) provided by Springer-Verlag. The margins and font size must not be modified. Submissions that do not comply with this format risk being rejected. Each submission may be up to 12 pages in length. The claims of the paper should be fully substantiated, including full proofs or appropriate experimental data. If this information does not fit within the page limits, the authors should include it in a clearly marked appendix, whose length is not constrained and for which the reviewers may read at their own discretion.