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Graph Drawing Contest - Graphs

Mystery Graph

The mystery graph has 71 nodes and 145 directed and labelled edges, and represents a series of social or cultural events that got a fair amount of news coverage this year. As of now, parts of the data contained in the graph represent planned events, that is, the data might be only partially up-to-date, since some of the events are still ongoing (until August 8th). We will not update the graph in the unlikely case that the planned events change.

To solve this graph, two things are required:


The mystery graph is available in two file formats. Both files contain the same graph, that is, only one of both files is needed.

The text file has a simple format:

Network from Electrical Engineering

This electrical network consists of 35 nodes and 48 edges. The nodes are deeply nested. It represents the architecture of a VLIW processor. While the original network of the VLIW processor contained a mixture of directed and undirected edges, we have simplified the network by using only undirected edges. This gives more freedom for laying out the graph. The task is simply to produce the best possible automatic drawing of the processor.

For this category, we ask for drawings created by a layout algorithm without manual fine tuning. Please indicate in your submission how the drawing was obtained (software/algorithm etc.).


The electrical network is available in two file formats. Both files contain the same graph, that is, only one of both files is needed.

The text file has a simple format:

Network from Social Sciences

This graph represents the relationships between companies and various persons in Germany. It consists of 129 (or 130, see below) nodes and 271 edges. The task is to produce the best visualization of this network while including as much information as possible. Static drawings, animations or entire tools to explore the graph are accepted as submissions.

The graph is bipartite with two kinds of nodes:

There are 3 kinds of directed edges:

Information about the data

We thank Lothar Krempel for the idea of this graph. The data was collected from Wikipedia and from various business reports of the companies. Some degree of data cleansing is already performed, but it is of course not perfect. Here are some additional notes:


The social science graph is available in a simple text format:

It has the following format:

Biological Network

The biological network graph represents the mTOR signalling pathway. It contains 90 entities, 54 interactions and 85 inclusions. The task is to produce the best drawing suitable for the biological domain.

For this category, we ask for drawings created by a layout algorithm without manual fine tuning. Please indicate in your submission how the drawing was obtained (software/algorithm etc.).


The graph is available as a tab-delimited text format, using a simplified BioPAX (Biological Pathways Exchange) representation:

It has the following format:

We thank Emek Demir of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York for simplifying the format of the data.

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