We request submissions for a contest in the design and development of a graph drawing game.
The task is simple:
Develop a computer game that is playable, relevant to graph drawing, and fun.
A team of experts will judge the relevance of the game to graph drawing, while conference attendees,
whom we invite to test and play all games, will judge the fun factor.
We basically allow the development of the game on any platform,
e.g., web browser based games, games implemented in Java, C++ (or any other language)
that run on a PC, or games running on mobile devices (tablets, smartphones).
However, if your game requires special hardware other than a standard PC, you will have to
provide the required hardware running your game at the conference.
Submissions for the game contest must be received by September 18 (23:59 PDT)
in electronic form to and should
contain the following information:
- Names and email addresses of the contributors
- License type for the software (e.g. GPL)
- Game platform (e.g. Java-based running on any PC)
- A description of the game idea and how it is related to graph drawing, including some screenshots.
- Optional: Information about how to obtain and install the game. Note: This is required if you want us
to provide hardware running the game at the conference.
We also encourage you to contact us as early as possible, especially to help us set up and test the required hard- and software properly.
During the conference, attendees will have the chance to play the submitted games during the coffee breaks.
Windows 7 PCs / laptops will be provided for that purpose, but if your game requires special hardware you must bring this hardware
to the conference, so that attendees can test-drive your game. You can also bring a poster to the conference for advertising your game.
Submissions will be judged according to two criteria: the relation to graph drawing and the fun factor.
The first will be judged by the contest committee members, wheras the latter will be judged by the
attendees who played the games.
Each judge shall score the submissions based on their relevance to graph drawing
on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being considered very relevant. Each attendee that has played all
of the games shall be provided with a scoring sheet to score all the games based on their fun factor,
again on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the best score. The winning game will be the one with the
highest total among the average of the judges' scores and the average of the attendees' scores.