For this topic, the task is to visualize a review network that has been obtained from Amazon reviews on fine foods.
The task is to visualize the network so that the importance of the reviewers and the quality of products becomes visible. We leave it open as to how the visualization shall be done. Some possible approaches include a graph drawing (with colors or other graphical elements for adding semantic information), interactive tools / websites, or even animations / movies visualizing the evolution of the network over time. Further innovative ideas for the visualization of the network are also welcome.
Your submission shall include your visualization of the network (e.g., a PDF of the picture, a movie in a standard format, a link to a web page) and a PDF briefly describing how the visualization has been obtained and how it emphasizes the importance of reviewers and the quality of products.
The data for the review network can be found at the SNAP website from Stanford University; see Amazon Fine Food Reviews for further infromation.
The network includes 568,454 reviews, collected over a period of more than 10 years, including 74,258 products and 256,059 reviewers. Each review contains the product ID of the food (the product itself can be looked up at Amazon), the user ID of the reviewer, and further interesting information like the score and the date of the review.