Bertinoro Workshop on Graph Drawing: Problems and Solutions

Problems Studied at the Workshop

  1. Switch Regular Upward Planarity Testing

    Question: An upward planar drawing of a planar digraph G is a crossing-free drawing Gamma of G such that all the edges are represented as curves monotonically increasing in the vertical direction. A switch angle in a face f of Gamma is an angle formed by two consecutive edges e1, e2 on the boundary of f such that e1 and e2 have opposite direction. Each switch angle in a face of Gamma can be labeled either S (if the associated geometric angle is smaller than 180 degrees) or L (if the associated geometric angle is larger than 180 degrees). An internal face f of Gamma is switch regular if walking clockwise on its boundary there is at most one maximal sub-sequence of S labels with length greater than one. The external face of Gamma is switch regular if there is no two consecutive S labels walking clockwise on its boundary. Drawing Gamma is switch regular if all its faces are switch regular. Let G be an embedded planar digraph; we ask whether there exists a polynomial-time algorithm that tests if G admits a switch regular upward planar drawing that preserves its embedding.
    [PDF file]

    Members: Emilio Di Giacomo, Walter Didimo, Francesco Giordano, Maurizio Patrignani.


    Open Questions:

  2. Colored Simultaneous Geometric Embedding

    Question: Let G1, ..., Gh be h > 1 outerplanar graphs having the same number n of vertices. Suppose that the vertices of each graph are colored using 1 < k < n distinct colors that we denote by the integer numbers 1, ..., k, and suppose that, for each color i, the number of vertices colored i is the same in G1, ..., Gh. We ask whether there exists a set S of n points such that:
    [PDF file]

    Members: Markus Geyer, Carsten Gutwenger, Seok-Hee Hong, Michael Kaufmann, Stephen Kobourov, Giuseppe Liotta, Petra Mutzel, Antonios Symvonis.


    Open Questions:

  3. LMST drawability problem

    Question: Let S be a set of points in the plane. The unit distance graph of S, denoted as U(S), is the graph obtained by connecting those points that have relative distance less than or equal to one. For a point u in S, denote by N(u) the set of points that are adjacent to u in U(S). Also, denote by MST(N(u)) the minimum spanning tree of the subgraph of U(S) induced by the points in N(u). A Local minimum spanning tree of U(S) is a specific proximity graph that can be defined in two different ways: Let G be a planar graph. We ask whether it is possible to map the vertices of G to a set S of points in the plane such that either LMST-(U(S))$ is isomorphic to G or LMST+ (U(S))is isomorphic to G.
    [PDF file]

    Members: Pier Francesco Cortese, Giuseppe Di Battista, Fabrizio Frati, Luca Grilli, Katharina Lehmann, Giuseppe Liotta, Ioannis Tollis, Franscesco Trotta, Sue Withesides.

    Results: Let r be the radius and l be the length of the smallest edge. We have r greater or equal than l.

    Definition A graph G is drawable with radius r if there exists an LMST drawing Gamma of G where r is the radius of the proximity region of each vertex.

    Definition A graph is rho-LMST drawable if there exists a radius r such that the ratio between the length of the smallest edge of the drawing and the radius is equal to rho. rho=l/r.

    [PDF file]
  4. Straight-line Orthogonal Bus Drawings

    Question: The problem is that of computing nice drawings of diagrams containing buses If the main objective is to emphasize the bus structure we have to: The input is a structure G=(V,B,E), where V are common vertices, B are buses, E is a subset of VxB, and each vertex v of V has degree at most 4. A Straight-Line Orthogonal Bus Drawing maps each bus and edge to a horizontal/vertical segment and each common node to a point such that: If we have such a drawing, it corresponds to a drawing of a hypergraph with at most two bends per simple edge.

    Members: Emden Gansner, Michael Kaufmann, Martin Siebenhaller, Sue Withesides, Steve Wismath

    Results: Define a 2-slob as having all common vertices of degree 2. For a 2-slob we define the busgraph as the underlying graph obtained by joining two buses if they share a common vertex of degree 2.

    Open Questions:

    Some Nice Pictures:

Additional Problems

  1. 2.5D - drawings

    Question: Possible issues:
  2. Large-Area Drawings

  3. Simultaneous Geometric Embedding of a Path and a Tree

    Question:Let P be a path and let T be a tree such that P and T have the same set of n vertices (i.e. there is a given mapping between the vertices of P and the vertices of T). We ask whether there exists a set S of n points such that both P and T admit a straight-line planar drawing where the vertices are mapped to the points of S.
    [PDF file]